Sprites Primary Academy is an inclusive school and we value the abilities and achievements of all pupils. We aim to ensure that all children make good progress throughout their school life.
We work closely with pupils, parents and outside agencies to ensure that the needs of each child are met.
In this section of the website you will find ‘SEND Information’ which outlines the provision we make for our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
There are links below which provide further information on our SEND offer as well as information and support from Suffolk County Council and Activities Unlimited. Please go to our Policies page for our SEND policy and Accessibility Policy and Plan.
If you have any questions relating to SEND support, then please contact the SENDCO Ms. K Rosam, via the school office.
Useful Links
Please find a link to SENDIASS here.
This service provides confidential, impartial support and advice for parents, carers, children and young people (up to 25 years) in relation to Special Educational Needs and disability.
Please find a link to Suffolk County Council’s local offer information here.
Please find a link to Access Unlimited here. Access Unlimited is the new One Stop Shop for Suffolk children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.