Contact Details

Headteacher: Motiur Rahman
Chair of Local Governing Body:  Kerrie McGrory
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo): Kristy Rosam

For all initial enquiries from parents, carers and members of the public, please contact Miss Burrows or Mrs Goldberg, our Office Administrators, using the contact details below who will direct you to the relevant member of staff:

Telephone: 01473 685040
Email: [email protected]

Should you need to contact our Local Governing Body, please contact Kerrie McGrory via the school office.

Postal Address

Sprites Primary Academy
Stonechat Road

Requests for paper copies

If you require a paper copy of the information on the academy’s website, please contact Miss Burrows via the school office using the contact details provided, who will be happy to arrange these free of charge.

Sprites Primary Academy is part of REAch2 Academy Trust.

REAch2 Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08452281.

Founded in 2012, REAch2 Academy Trust is the largest primary-only academy trust in the country.

Registered Address:
REAch2 Academy Trust
Henhurst Ridge Primary Academy
Henhurst Ridge
DE13 9TQ

Tel: 01283 246433
Email: [email protected]

Vat registered number is 220 8862 15