Early Help

We recognise that early intervention when a child or family is starting to show signs of concern can be critical to ensure that the right help and support is sourced, preventing any further escalation of issues or a decline in the child’s safety and wellbeing.

We recognise that partnerships with parents and carers is crucial in identifying the need for early help and for effective collaboration to improve the life chances for pupils. We work proactively with parents and carers to develop effective relationships between home and school, and to promote the benefits of early help and intervention to support their child.

As well as external agencies, we also have in house help for families and children. We have trained Thrive practitioners who work with groups of children (more on this approach can be found by clicking here), we also run a Breakfast Club and sports clubs to help with families who need an extended care facility.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Ashley) or one of the deputies (Mr Knights, Mrs Riley or Mr Mo) will be able to help further if there are any questions related to early help.

Below are some useful links and documents from partners we work with to provide early help.

Suffolk Family Carers – Young Carers

Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership Early Help Information

Suffolk Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Hub

FIND Families in Need Charity-Provide various services including a food bank

Citizens Advice Ipswich

NSPCC-Various information regarding keeping children safe including advice on mental health and online safety.

School Nursing Team

OneLife Suffolk- Provide support in having a healthy lifestyle in Suffolk.